Let's connect and grow together!
We offer a variety of services relating to personal and community health and resilience. Whether you need personal or business help, please feel free to contact us at any time. We’re happy to get to know you through a friendly conversation and initial consultation. People and businesses have specialized skills and needs, but with creativity and cooperation we can flow with the waves of life.
Latest posts
Just Bee, Until You Are No More
Yesterday felt like an incredible day full of references to life, death, and the challenges…
Apocalypse Version 2.0
If we're going to prepare for survival, shouldn't we ask the question what it is we want to survive for?
Tech Support from the Comfort of Home
This post is a bit late in coming as it would have been an excellent…
Of Light and Darkness
There is darkness within us all \ We are not entirely internally bio-luminescent \ So, the darkness within is physical
Our Values
Our greatest passion is cultivating individual and community wellness and resilience.
Integrity and trust nourish healthy relationships, economies, and ecosystems.
Uncertainty and change are natural parts of life that we can navigate better together.
It helps to slow down, touch the ground, and attune to wherever we are here and now.
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(719) 695-0246
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Business Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 am to 6 pm
(Mountain Time)
(Mountain Time)